Projects Written in NPL

The following applications are completely written in NPL.


Paracraft is a standalone 3d animation software for everyone. It was my exploration of CAD(computer aided design) using the vision brain (i.e. your right brain). Paracraft is an extensible tool that everyone can learn to create videos and computer programs. I am using it to promote NPL language in self learning college to teach students programming.


Project is still in development. It is web site developed using NPL web framework.

Magic Haqi

  • Started: 2009-2014 (still operating)
  • Website:
    • user forum
    • user videos

Magic Haqi is a free/paid 3D MMORPG published by taomee in November, 2009, allowing kids to play, create and share 3d worlds. It has over 5 million registered users and tens of thousands of user created works in China. The software is developed and owned by the developers of Paracraft, but has nothing to do with Paracraft. The initial version of paracraft was developed as a module in Magic Haqi. We have valid contract with its publisher taomee for their use of paracraft and its source code.

Magic Haqi2

  • Started: 2012-2013 (still operating)
  • Website: Same as Magic haqi.

Kids Movie Creator

Kids Movie Creator is a very old shareware released in 2006, allowing kids to create 3d world and make movies.


This is a sandbox game developed by using NPL and ParacraftSDK.

Other projects

You are welcome to add your own software here